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Flagg for Jordan

King Abdullah's accession to the throne 2025 i Jordan

King Abdullah's accession to the throne: offentlig fridag?

King Abdullah's accession to the throne er ikke en helligdag i 2025. Skoler og andre arbeidsplasser er åpne.

King Abdullah's accession to the throne andre år

Viser bare merkedagen for 2000–2009

ÅrstallUkedagDatoNavnHva slags merkedag
2000fre9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2001lør9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2002søn9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2003man9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2004ons9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2005tor9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2006fre9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2007lør9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2008man9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag
2009tir9. junKing Abdullah's accession to the throneOffentlig fridag

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