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Flagg for Turkmenistan

Day of Commemoration and National Mourning 2024 i Turkmenistan

Day of Commemoration and National Mourning: offentlig fridag?

Day of Commemoration and National Mourning er en offentlig fridag. Folk flest har fri, og skoler og de fleste bedrifter er stengt.

Day of Commemoration and National Mourning andre år

ÅrstallUkedagDatoNavnHva slags merkedag
2019søn6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2020tir6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2021ons6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2022tor6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2023fre6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2024søn6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2024man7. oktFridag for Day of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2025man6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2026tir6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2027ons6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2028fre6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag
2029lør6. oktDay of Commemoration and National MourningOffentlig fridag

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